About Niaco company Atlas of Qeshm
Niaco Atlas Qeshm Company was established in 2011 under registration number 3660 in Azad Qeshm with the aim of producing and supplying computer and telecommunication equipment.
At the beginning of the establishment, he pursued the acquisition of representation and supply of equipment from the most reliable companies in order to supply the equipment needed for his projects, as well as familiarization with the latest technologies in the field of hardware, and in this regard, he succeeded in obtaining sales representation and after-sales services from the company. Atrust from Taiwan, became a manufacturer of Thin Client, Zero Client, All in one Client.
In the next step, following the experiences gained in the field of thin clients and zero clients, as well as the degree of compatibility of each device with the existing systems in the country, it was decided to supply a customized product compatible with the business environment of the country. The research and development unit of Niaco Atlas Qeshm company examined samples from different manufacturers and after designing its first thin client / mini PC, after one year, this product went to the domestic market under the exclusive and registered brand “NIACO-NIACO”. did
Niaco Atlas Qeshm Company is known as the first domestic company producing mini PC/thin client in Iran, which has a structured technical engineering and research and development unit, and on average two new products have been launched on the market every year.
Niako’s products are based on the design of Niako’s engineers, and due to the existence of difficult conditions, they are customized for various domestic projects.
Nyako’s thinking is on the high quality and durability of Nyako’s manufactured goods, which is evidenced by the satisfaction of the previous customers of this company with the goods and services received.
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